Time Zones

Vancouver Toronto Hong Kong

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


孝恩在晚飯之時,說了以下的一段有趣的說話:「我是全屋最健康果個.」Flora就問點解啊?弟弟就得意意的答:「家姐依傢流鼻涕傷風;爸爸就要跑步減肥,所以我就最健康囉!」跟著Flora就問弟弟:「咁様...媽媽呢?」孝恩embrassing 咁答:「唔知道啊!」便笑笑口的走開了。

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New year... new assignment?

In a year of Ox... is it a new start for me? I do not know? However, I can sure that it is going to be a challenege one which will be full of new things and new assignments? Am I able to handle all of them? No idea... but for sure... I need lots of grace from my heavenly father.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Bird Bird 在詩詩同弟弟的心目中的確佔據了一份的地位,今天晚上在看電視之際,弟弟不其然的說:「爹D, 你覺唔覺得bird bird 返在天父那裡之後,屋企靜咗好多啊!」聽完之後,我的心裏卻有點酸溜溜的感覺...

Sunday, January 4, 2009


(Bird Bird 和我一家)

Bird Bird 已經離開了我們五天,詩詩同弟弟時常不斷的提及bird bird 在天父那裡做緊D乜嘢?弟弟亦會說bird bird 一定同Gary 契爺一齊在主耶穌身邊。而詩詩就寄情於她的畫筆之上來代表她對bird bird 的懷念。