Time Zones

Vancouver Toronto Hong Kong

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Every Friday morning

There is a church near our home. Every Friday morning, they will hand out some food to the needed people. The past Friday I had to go to work early, I left my home around 5:40 am. When I passed by this church, I was shocked by what I saw, a group of people had already formed a line and waited for the door opened.

Sometimes we easily wasted a lot of food and do not feel guilty at all. May be it is time for us to think about it again.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My blessing

Every time when I am getting tired and frustrated at work. I think about my two little angels at home and suddenly everything seems to me is not that important anymore. I can re-focus and have a smile on my face again and move on...

This is a blessing that God has given to me. Thanks

Monday, September 7, 2009


After the Labor day long weekend, you always feel that Summer is gone and Autumn is here. Do I like it? Not really... it means Winter will be coming soon.

No more sunny and warm weather.... !!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009



向來在早上難找車位的百老滙西街,居然在醫務所前我們找到一個空置的車位。正當我們推開醫務所的大門時,內裡是擠滿了等侯的病人及家屬。太太和我不其然的在想,這次我們必須等侯一句鐘以上。於是在登記後,我便打算帶恩恩到下面的Tim Horton 吃早餐以打發時間。誰料不到一分鐘之後,護士便喊著Eunice 的名字。叫她進入等侯室內。



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Children Hospital Symptoms

Every time when I step into the Children Hospital, there are lot of thoughts flying around my head. Most of the times, you feel worry, afraid, anxious, helpless and tired. Trust me, if you can quietly observe every parent who walk into the hospital, they all share with these common "symptoms".

We had another experience in this morning. Eunice had her second eye operation since she was born. The eye operation is try to re-attach her eye muscles so that her brain can gain back the control of her eye ball movement. Although it is not to be considered as a big operation, but as a father, you never say that it is not a big deal to you.

After a six hours stay, Eunice was discharged from the hospital and allowed to go home. Even though she still feel pain and uncomfortable on her eyes, Flora and I are so thankful it is over and pray that she will have a speedy recovery.