Time Zones

Vancouver Toronto Hong Kong

Monday, March 19, 2007


咁樣就可以整一個個熱烘烘的baked potato

張它弄碎就可以整Creamy的Mashed potato
加上D sauce可以整我喜愛的Scalloped potato


當然唔少得薯條啦!仲有咖哩薯仔、酸辣土豆絲... 今次真係發達兼發福囉!


Donna Leong said...

Is that really possible? To grow other potatoes out of a budding potato?
Wish you won't fart too much, hehehe xD

阿二 (Andrew Lai) said...

It is real,you can grow potatoes like that...It works!!

Anonymous said...

I love any kind of potatoes (potatoes, mashed p, baked p, hash brown, french fries, potato chips etc...) ^_^ but it's easy to get fat if eat too much....

but it's poison when the potatoes buds...

阿二 (Andrew Lai) said...


Anonymous said...

WAH! Ho hungry ar! I'm tempted to go make some right now but it's midnight already.

Felix said...

Lots of potatoes fans wor!