Time Zones

Vancouver Toronto Hong Kong

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


現今「忙碌」的我們,很多時已經忘記了這美麗而單純的微笑。取而代之的便是一張煩躁、不滿的嘴臉。然而微笑帶來的果效,更是我們沒法去量度的。難怪曾有人這樣說「A little SMILE can touch lot of hearts」。所以...下次當你唔知用什麼表情去面對身邊的人時,倒不如考慮一吓...微笑啦!

後記:如下次與我碰面時,你看不到我的微笑,請你用你的來提醒我好嗎! =)

1 comment:

Clara said...

Andrew, I totally agree with that! Smile is like a breakfast of the day! You will have energy and strength at work when you see smiles in early morning. I like the sentence in my blog, saying " most smiles are started by other smile." :)