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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


「戒煙?唉! 你唔明白架啦!總之... 」
「我唔係想遲到架... 你知道我住到無雷公咁遠,我又無車,巴士服務又差!You know.. I try my best already!」

Sunday, August 19, 2007



第三天我們去了Pacific Science Center。這個Science Center 給我想像之中大,而且也有很多嘢玩和睇。在看3D IMAX之時,Eunice and Isaac 全程在closed their eyes.. 恐龍展覽和蝴蝶館是值得一看。待Eunice and Isaac are bigger, they will love this center more. 在麥當勞午飯後,便開車回溫哥華。途中我們更停在出名的Seattle Premium Outlet shopping. 大慨五點左右離開,但到達邊境時已經有很長的車龍,等了整整兩小時才能過關。我們餓得要死般。

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Seattle view from the crusie ship

Selling flowers -Very Cheap

Selling fresh sea food

Selling fresh fruits and Vegetables

Seattle Aquarium

Group picture

Sea otter and Isaac

Under water view

Space Needle

我們住在Best Western Inn which is very closed to Space Needle (two Blocks)。但是我們沒有上上面參觀,因為頗為expensive。第二天我們吃過早餐之後,便出發去Seattle Aquarium 。這Aquarium是建築在海旁。但是它的面積比Vancouver Aquarium還小。雖然它有它的突色,但是我們還是喜歡Vancouver的Aquarium。After touring Aquarium, 我們去了Seattle很有名的Pike Place Market逛一逛。Eunice and Isaac were so tired to walk...Flora和我便成了他們的呠呠車。午飯後,便去了坐Argosy Cruises - Seattle Harbor Tour 。在這一個小時的航程裏,導遊会介紹了Seattle Pier 的History and some famous buildings and structures。回酒店時,我們選擇坐Monorail,以為Eunice会好開心。怎知她在行去乘坐的途中,已經熟睡在我的肩膊上。


Swimming penguin

Another favorite one - Giraffe

Eunice and Hippo hands

Eunice and Isaac favorite animal - Elephant

Seattle City pass ($39.5) includes : Seattle Aquarium; Argosy Cruises - Seattle Harbor Tour; The Museum of Flight ; Pacific Science Center; Woodland Park Zoo

自從詩詩和恩恩出世之後,我們一家人也未去過旅行。所以Flora和我很期望這個trip的來臨 - 三日兩夜的西雅圖之旅。星期二大清早上(7:30),我們便駕車向目的地進發。經過兩個半小時的車程,便安全到達第一個"景點"- Woodland Park Zoo。到達時天陰有微雨,但微雨只last了一陣。我們在Zoo裏逗留了差不多兩個多小時。因Eunice and Isaac were so hungry and tired,我們只好離開去吃午膳和回酒店休息。在這次旅行,因我們購買了Seattle City pass,所以省了不少的入場費。只可惜沒有足夠時間去參觀The Museum of Flight。What a waste!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Isaac..so funny!

After my trip to Saskatchewan, Isaac has changed. Every morning when he wakes up, he asks Flora," where's daddy?" When I tell him that I have to go to church or work right now. He replies, " No, work ! No church! stay home!"

He starts to talk more and more which makes us laugh a lot everyday.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Zucchini ...Yummy

Beside potatoes, we also planted some zucchinis and tomatoes this year. Because of the good weather, the zucchini plants grow bigger and bigger. So far we have harvested seven zucchinis. On Monday, Flora used some of them to stir fry with beef. They tasted so fresh and yummy.