Time Zones

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Sunday, August 12, 2007


Swimming penguin

Another favorite one - Giraffe

Eunice and Hippo hands

Eunice and Isaac favorite animal - Elephant

Seattle City pass ($39.5) includes : Seattle Aquarium; Argosy Cruises - Seattle Harbor Tour; The Museum of Flight ; Pacific Science Center; Woodland Park Zoo

自從詩詩和恩恩出世之後,我們一家人也未去過旅行。所以Flora和我很期望這個trip的來臨 - 三日兩夜的西雅圖之旅。星期二大清早上(7:30),我們便駕車向目的地進發。經過兩個半小時的車程,便安全到達第一個"景點"- Woodland Park Zoo。到達時天陰有微雨,但微雨只last了一陣。我們在Zoo裏逗留了差不多兩個多小時。因Eunice and Isaac were so hungry and tired,我們只好離開去吃午膳和回酒店休息。在這次旅行,因我們購買了Seattle City pass,所以省了不少的入場費。只可惜沒有足夠時間去參觀The Museum of Flight。What a waste!

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