It was a tough week for us. Isaac has a running nose and coughing for so long (especially during night time). We tried all the counter top cough and cold medicines but none of them worked on him. So Flora and I decided to bring him to see our family doctor(before this Labor day long weekend). However, she was on her vacation. Then we tried to go to the walk in clinic yesterday but they were also closed. So we decided to try Burnaby hospital children care clinic (usually the line up is mucher shorter) But we found out that they changed their policy since July1, you must have a doctor's referral. What a luck... we made several calls to ask for help but it ended up with a empty hand. Then we drove home and hoped Isaac would become better.
Unfortunately, he became worse and started to have "wheezing" sound. We had no choice but had to bring him to Vancouver children hospital emergency room. After we arrived, they brought him to the resting room and gave him some Ventolin to breathe in. We stayed there for two and half hours and Isaac was discharged. Eunice and Isaac were totally exhausted when we arrived home at around 11 pm.
The whole night Flora and I could not sleep at all. It is beacuse Isaac was not getting any better after we came back from ER. The wheezing sound came back and same as the cough. Around 3 am this morning, we had to get him inhale the Ventolin. But his situation did not improve and he could not sleep. So at 7 am, we woke up Eunice and brought Isaac to emergency room again.
Once we arrived, he was sent to the room directly and the doctor increased the Ventolin dosage and also gave him some other steroid medicine to take. Doctor said that Isaac had a lung and bronchi virus infection (may be caught it from Flora). Since I am a asthma patient, my children will have a higher chance to have asthma as well (their lungs are more sensitive than others kid).
After another 5 hours stay, Isaac's condition has been under control. (Doctor told us that it is still to early to tell whether Isaac will develop asthma or not... All in God's hand). Once again, we could go home. Isaac has to inhale Ventolin every 4 hours but he does not like it at all. He still has little bit wheezing sound right now. Hopefully, it will be stopping soon when he is getting better. If not, we might have to visit the ER again.. tonight.
God ! Please bless this little one. Amen.
I have waited in emergency room for my mom before and I totally understand your feeling! You are lucky as you only had to wait there for 2 hours to see a doctor! Doctors in ER will not able to see you within 3 to 4 hours (especially in long wkend) unless you have life or death situation! I hope Issac will get well soon! I will pray for him and your family!
It must be very difficult for Isaac since he's so small. I'll pray for him and your family too.
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